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Waterproof Projects in China

Radio and Television Center of Jilin Province

Radio and Television Center of Jilin Province


Latest company case about Radio and Television Center of Jilin Province

latest company case about Radio and Television Center of Jilin Province  0Project Profile

Waterproofing Material: Bondsure® BAC Self-adhesive Bituminous Waterproofing Membrane

Waterproofing Area: around 10,000 ㎡

Honor and Award: 2008 China Construction Engineering Luban Prize(National Prime-quality Project)

latest company case about Radio and Television Center of Jilin Province  0Project Description

Jilin Province Radio and Television Center is located at the intersection of Sendai Street and Satellite Road, Jingyuetan Tourism Economic Development Zone, Changchun City. The total cost of the project is 550 million Chinese Yuan, and it consists of studios, broadcasting, office and logistics service rooms.

The Radio and Television Center covers a total construction area of 85,800 square meters with a building height of 115.74 meters and an area of 16,575.6 square meters.
This project applied 9 major new technologies, 44 small items of new technologies in China Construction Industry .

And super-long basement waterproofing and permeability, large cantilever, high tonnage of steel structure construction, complex facade deepening and the construction, the high demand of acoustics decoration, large area roof waterproof construction, 9000 meters type air insulated busbar without copper soft connection among a complete installation of engineering difficulties, through elaborate design, thinking, strict control, construction, which eventually became the highlight of this project and characteristics.

The project one-time passed the Checking & Acceptance through the Changchun City Construction Project Quality Supervision Station one-time, all nine branches of the project qualified.